We had a great time at the Labor Day parade in Downtown Toledo! Team Khoury would like to thank the hard-working men and women who work in the elements, work with their hands, work with their tools, and perform the tasks that many of us do not have the skills to perform. Please enjoy your day, and know that we appreciate your overwhelming support, and will work hard each day to continue to earn it. Toledo was built with your effort. Happy Labor Day! Thank you for your support Laborers’ Local 500, Heat and Frost Insulators Local 45, International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers, Opcmia LOCAL 886, Roofers Local 134, Toledo Northwest Ohio Building Trades, AFSCME Ohio Council 8, IBEW Local 8, Boilermakers Union Local 85, UA LOCAL 50, and Ironworkers Local 55! #NicoleForJudge
Nicole Attended – Labor Day Parade – Downtown Toledo
By chadt|2017-09-06T13:10:09-04:00September 4th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Nicole Attended – Labor Day Parade – Downtown Toledo